tirsdag den 7. februar 2023

"Fragile Thoughts of Wonder"

By Jesper Kold

Poem for Arthur Rimbaud


Days of gratitude Flying horses pancakes with asteroids

Shamps and shades of grey llightbulbs perfect athstetics

Flannanigans woolen sweaters with my desire for you my dear

When wonderful creatures of cirkular breathing me call my

The Didgereedoos another round for the Weekend

Over the years and round the obscure boats I saw fly

Over the treetops pigeons and cows screaming Icecream

Deserted wheels and Shabby Quarters fragile thoughts of wonder

The drunken bicycles of direction no one a matter they had

Tell me why this and here the fumes from green packages of cigarettes

Swirling around the borders of streets made of ballons

Bufoons from Outer Crazy Spades of Space

Futile environments to warm huggy hugly shoulders of save us the day

There could be many tasty o' friendos

But many bottles o' Gin and Tonic Whiskey and Pints of Lager

There at the pub I was in inner London

Times they were quiet and nice it was.

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Jesper Kold (Arte Jesper) · Hills of England (The Day We Saved England)